Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (2025)

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (1)

This is a beginner's guide on things to know when getting started playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). See early game tips, and all other gameplay tips and tricks needed!

List of Contents

  • Early Game Tips
  • All Tips and Tricks Guides
  • Related Guides

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Early Game Tips

  1. Beds Can be Used for Recovery and as Platforms
  2. Swordfighter Mode Offers Combat and Movement Buffs
  3. Use the Peahat Echo Early On
  4. Travel by Horse
  5. Use Bind When Travelling and in Combat
  6. Use Lock-On to Command Echoes
  7. Accessories Can Give Useful Buffs
  8. Use Smoothies and Potions Often
  9. Spin Helps in Combat and Mobility
  10. Fairy Bottles can Revive Zelda

Beds Can be Used for Recovery and as Platforms


Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (2)


Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (3)

The Old Bed is the most versatile and cost-efficient Echo you can use during the early stages of the game. Bed Echoes can also be used to recover HP simply by laying down and resting in them!

Zelda recovers hearts every few seconds when resting on a Bed, but you can repeatedly lay down and get up as soon as you get healed to recover HP faster, since the first instance of Heart recovery is faster then the subsequent healing.

Placing a Bed covers roughly two tiles of distance horizontally, and can be stacked to serve as makeshift stairs when needed. Beds also float when placed in liquids, giving you the option to build bridges if you do not want to swim!

Old Bed Echo Location and How to Get

Swordfighter Mode Offers Combat and Movement Buffs

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (4)

In the first dungeon, you will acquire the Swordfighter Form, which allows Princess Zelda to don Link's iconic hat and tunic to fight with a sword and shield.

The Swordfighter Form can greatly help you in enemy battles, and it also gives a Jump Boost, allowing Zelda to reach platforms she normally cannot reach without the help of Echoes.

Do note that there is a time limit when using the Swordfighter Form, so use it wisely!

How to Use the Swordfighter Form

Get the Peahat Echo Early On

You can collect monsters as echoes to have them fight for you. The Peahat is one Echo that aids greatly both in Combat and Mobility, especially during the early stages of the game.

In Combat, the Peahat performs a spinning attack, making it efficient at dealing with groups of enemies at once. Zelda can also grab on to the Peahat and use it to glide from high places, essentially making it a good alternative to Keese.

Peahat Echo Location

Map Image World Image

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (5)

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (6)

Peahat Echo Location and How to Get

Travel by Horse

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (7)

Early on in the game, Horses can only be rented, but makes it easier to travel around the map of Hyrule.

Travelling by Horse is the fastest way to move around, and once you progress the story far enough, you will even gain the ability to call your Horse from anywhere!

How to Get a Horse

Use Bind When Travelling and in Combat

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (8)
When Echoes aren't enough, you can use Bind to help you clear obstacles in the game and get rid of enemies in an efficient way.

This ability enables you to bind Princess Zelda to objects or creatures of her choosing, and enable her to move them somewhere or cling to them as they move.

You can also bind to your Echoes so that you can move faster or climb hard-to-reach walls, so getting creative is important when using this feature.

Bind Ability Guide

Use Lock-On to Command Echoes

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (9)

When you press ZL to Lock-on to an enemy target, Zelda not only moves while facing your target, but also commands your spawned Echoes to prioritize the target.

Knowing when and where to use Lock-On allows you to control the flow of battle easily, especially against groups of enemies, by having your Echoes focus on a specific enemy at a time.

How to Lock On and Target Enemies

Accessories Can Give Useful Buffs

Best Early Game Accessories
Ancient Charm Damage Reduced
Spin Brace Knockback Spin

Accessories are pieces of equipment that can be found in Treasure Chests, or bought from Shops. When equipped, Accessories provide various buffs to Zelda, ranging from increasing stats and abilities, up to even increasing the drop chance of items.

The Ancient Charm and Spin Brace are two great Accessories that are accessible early on. These are both combat-related accessories, but increasing your Damage Resistance, and adding a Knockback to your Spin provides you with an additional layer of safety, especially during the early game.

Best Accessories

Give Rupees to the Great Fairy to Unlock Accessory Slots

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (12)

The Great Fairy in Lake Hylia can increase you Accessory Slots in exchange for Rupees.

Saving enough Rupees and investing into upgrading your Accessory Slots allows you to equip more Accessories, giving Zelda more buffs, and making exploration and combat much easier!

How to Increase Accessory Slots

Use Smoothies and Potions Often

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (13)

Potions and Ingredients are easily accessible as you travel the different areas of Hyrule. Since Potions and Ingredients are easy to come by, it would be better to use them to recover HP as needed, instead of letting them needlessly accumulate in your inventory.

Use the ingredients you've collected from your travels and blend them to make smoothies using the Smoothie Shops you find on your journey.

Make Salted Milky Smoothies to Recover HP and Energy

Smoothie Effect
Salted Milky Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts Recovers Full Energy
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2
・Fresh Milk ・Rock Salt

Salted Milky Smoothies recover both HP and Energy, making it a very cost-efficient smoothie that can help you during combat. Preparing Salted Milky Smoothies before challenging a Dungeon or a Boss should help you progress smoothly!

Best Smoothies

Spin Helps in Combat and Mobility

Spinning as Zelda may not seem like much when compared to the Spin attack of the Swordfighter Form, but it also has many uses that you can take advantage of.

In combat, you can spin to parry incoming projectiles, especially if you are in a position where you cannot dodge. Spinning also allows you to swim faster, allowing you to travel bodies of water more efficiently early on!

How to Spin

Fairy Bottles Can Revive Zelda

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (15)

Fairy Bottles essentially provide you with an automatic revive by restoring your HP once it falls down to 0, making it an essential item that you will need especially against Bosses.

The first Fairy Bottle you can obtain is from the Cave near Suthorn Village. The Fairy Bottle can be found inside a treasure chest at the end of the cave.

All 4 Fairy Bottle Locations

Obtain Fairies at the Great Fairy Fountain

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (16)

One place with a guaranteed spawn of fairies is the Great Fairy Fountain in Lake Hylia, located east of Suthorn Prairie and north of Suthorn Forest. Swim towards the island at the center of the lake and you will see a cave with a waypoint near the entrance. Enter the Great Fairy Fountain and collect as many fairies as you need for your journey.

Great Fairy Fountain Location

All Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Tips and Tricks Guides

All Recommended Guides

All Recommended Guides
Heart Piece Locations Might Crystals Locations
All 25 Stamp Locations All 4 Fairy Bottle Locations
Great Fairy Location Rupee Farming Guide
Best Dungeon Order Best Echoes Guide
Best Accessories Best Smoothie Recipes
Amiibo Compatibility and Rewards

All Tips and Tricks

How to Fast Travel How to Get a Horse
How to Bind Controls Guide
Swordfighter Form Explained How to Heal and Restore Hearts
How to Lock On How to Transfer and Delete Save Data
How to Climb Cliffs and Scale Walls How to Spin
How to Glide How to Increase Hearts
How to Increase Accessory Slots How Does Saving Work
How to Break Cracked Walls Death Penalty: What Happens When You Die?
How to Open Treasure Chests How to Recover Energy
How to Dash -

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

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Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough Wiki

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Guides
Walkthrough Dungeons
Side Quests Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (21)Tips & Tricks
Echoes Automatons
Accessories Clothing
Minigames Bosses
Ingredients and Items Smoothies
Characters News and Game Info
Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started | Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)|Game8 (2025)


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